Yesterday was pretty “American”: bacon and eggs, Fruit Loops and toast with PB & J for breakfast, a trip to the Mall, lunch at Max’s, half-court basketball, and bacon cheese burgers and fries for dinner. Today, however, will be different.
Today it is our privilege to do two feeds for about 300 kids on Smokey Mountain, a community that lives on the largest dumpsite in Manila; the poorest of the poorest of the poor. Our offering will be small indeed. But as Jesus said, a cup of cold water given in His name is not without value. More than the food, it is an opportunity to extend the love of the Lord Jesus.
We pray the Lord strengthen us, body and soul, for this challenge; He is our sufficiency. Pray for the children we will serve. Pray for us, that our hope will be in Christ and that His beauty will radiate from us.
Most of us are up and around a little more readily this morning. Slept a little better last night. But it will be a couple more days before things are really in sync.
Our memory verse for the day is Philippians 2:2, “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” (yesterday’s was Phil.2:1; we are working on Philippines 2:1-11 for the trip; learn it with us!!)
Serving together,