Fifteen members of the team arrived at PDX at 6:00am to begin our trip to the Philippines (Sky had to catch an earlier flight to PDX and would meet with the rest of the team there for our flight to Tokyo). Check-in and getting through security was pretty uneventful and before we knew it we were at our gate waiting for our 9:09am flight. Starting at about 8:00, one by one our team members stated getting text notifications that our flight was being delayed until 10:20am which wasn’t good considering our connecting flight in Seattle was scheduled to depart at 11:15am. There was no way we were going to make it in time. After a brief feeling of panic and disbelief we came back to the reality that God is good and even this was happening according to His plan.
After about an hour and a half on the phone with Delta and working with the agent at the boarding gate, we were able get everyone another flight directly to Tokyo that would arrive in time to make our connecting flight to Manila. What a miracle!
Once on the plane, several team members noticed that every seat was full from the front of the plane all the way to the very back row (where three of our team members ended up sitting). How could 15 people make it onto a plane so close to capacity at the very last minute? More evidence that God is in perfect control.

All this just helped to strengthen in us the truth of our total dependence in God and the fact that He is totally in control!
To God be the Glory!
We all met up with Sky in Tokyo and arrived safely in Manila.
Now the adventure begins!