Monday, August 12
Sorry we are a bit behind on updates. Going back to Friday evening we had the opportunity to take a group of kids from the drop in center to dinner and a movie (Lion King). It was the first cinema experience for many of them. They dressed in their best and we all had a wonderful time.

On Saturday we got together with Mike and Natalie Bucher. They arranged for us to go to another church and assist with a gospel film and feeding. On the way there we stopped and saw the second largest display of the 10 Commandments in the world. What a sight! At the church we played games with around 60 kids for a long time and then they watched a Jesus film. After the film we fed them a spaghetti dinner. Because it was dark outside, we drove the kids home in our vans and the leftover spaghetti was shared from the back of the truck throughout the neighborhood. Everyone was so grateful!

On Sunday we attended church with the Buchers, stocked up on supplies at the store, and met up with Robbie and Deanna Nichols to make arrangements for the upcoming week.
On Monday we went to Redemptio Christian School with the Nichols. Our team divided into two groups to clean their school building and clear the lot where they will be building. It was a lot of hard work but again, they are so grateful for the extra help to tackle tasks they just don’t get to. We were able to relax a little later in the day and prepare ourselves for the busy days ahead.

For the next four days we will run a VBS in the morning and basketball camp in the afternoon. Those not helping with basketball will visit families in the community. Please pray for all the kids who will be attending and hearing the Good News. Also pray for our team, specifically for strength and health, as several have been hit hard with colds but are continuing to serve.