Dear Sunnyside Community Church Family,
In light the latest developments and, in particular, the Governors mandate limiting gatherings to 25 or less the board will be meeting tomorrow evening, Tuesday, March 17, to formulate a plan for handling our church’s ministries for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Please pray for the Lord to give us wisdom to make prudent decisions to guide our church family through these challenges.
We rest in the conviction that God is sovereign and rules over all things with wisdom and power and goodness; that his ways are perfect; that He always does what is best. And, what is more, not only do we have confidence and the abiding peace that this truth promotes, in Christ we have a confidence to step forward, to extend ourselves to help those in need; those who don’t have the confidence that arises from this conviction of who God is and how He works. Rather than drawing back, we can reach forward in a visible demonstration of the gospel.
May the Lord continue to encourage your mind and heart with His truth. We will be in touch in the next couple of days with updates.
In Christ,
Pastor Guy