Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever!
Greetings dear ones,
Our joy and hope are anchored in the reality that God is good and faithful; that He is wise and powerful, and that all that comes to pass does so according to the council of His will (Ephesians 1:11).
As we continue in our present mode of operation, I want to take the opportunity to thank each and everyone for your continued faithfulness in the ministry of our church family. Thank you for being faithful in prayer for one another generally, for the specific needs in our fellowship, and more broadly, for the on-going needs of our nation, our governmental leaders and all those called on to serve and give direction in these times. Let us continue to prevail upon our prayer-hearing God for His gracious guidance and provision through these times.
I want to encourage you to continue faithful in the Word; in personal Bible reading. We read God’s Word to honor Him; to give ear to Him who has spoken. We read God’s Word to feed our own souls; to nourish our minds and our hearts with the truth for encouragement and strength to walk faithfully with Christ. God’s Word is the bread by which we truly live; by which we live in truth (Deut.8:3). We read God’s Word so that we will be equipped to serve others as we share words of encouragement or admonition with those that we encounter. So, keep on keeping on.
Thank you to those who have come by the church building to contribute to our “spring cleaning.” Also, thanks to those who have been faithful in seeing to the on-going up-keeping of the facility.
Just as a matter of information, the Clackamas County Sheriff’s department is calling homes to check in and see if people are doing okay and if they need any assistance. So if you get such a call, it is legitimate. One of our church family got a call this week so we followed up on it and confirmed that it was, indeed, a legitimate call from the Sheriff’s department. Of course, if you have any questions or reservations about a call, you can call the Sheriff’s department to confirm.
One of the things that has been happening during the shutdown is that Tina has been doing a ZOOM Good News club. For the last two Thursday this has been happening. We pray the Lord will bless this effort to continue ministry to the children. Thank you Tina.
Again, thank you for being faithful with your financial contributions. We thank the Lord for His blessing through His faithful people.
May the Lord bless you with joy as you serve Him this week. May He encourage your mind and heart through His Word; may He strengthen you by His Spirit for walking in the truth; may He give you wisdom in all of your responsibilities and opportunities; may the truth of Christ radiate in your life—
For Your fullness of blessing
For the everlasting good of all peoples
To the glory of God!
Lovingly in Christ,
Pastor Guy