August 3-19, 2016
Follow the blog as we take a group on a two-week missions trip to the Philippines. We are coming alongside the teams from Grow International Ministries and Action International Ministries to help them in their efforts to reach out to the poor, the orphaned, and the street children in Manila.
We are also doing a VBS and basketball camp at Redemptio Christian School, helping with a Bible camp at Camp New Beginnings, and helping at Shalom Birthing Home.
Philippines Mission Trip
Follow the Mission Trip Blog to stay up to date on the team and the trip!
Please continue praying for the team and for those they will engage overseas.
Thank you!
Collecting Items for the Philippines!
We want to fill our suitcases with the following items for Redemptio School, Shalom Birthing Home, and Camp New Beginnings.
Complete Set Of Clothes For Kids (Ages 6-16)
- Boys mostly as each boy at the camp will receive a set of clothes
- Some girls clothing okay
- Shorts, shirts, flip flops, or tennis shoes/socks = complete set
- Used clothes in great condition okay
- please no brand new or even used expensive sports shoes (they will get stolen)